Please complete the following questionnaire. It is a necessary step in recognising your study-related stay abroad and having your stay abroad accepted and recorded on your academic transcript. Please also note our data protection directive.

Bitte füllen Sie den folgenden Fragebogen aus, damit Ihr studienrelevanter Auslandsaufenthalt anerkannt und in Ihrer Atke (Transkript) gespeichert werden kann. Bitte beachten Sie in diesem Zusammenhang auch unsere Datenschutzhinweise.

Personal Details
General Information
What requirements had to be fulfilled for your stay abroad?
Contact Details of Placement
Is there an opportunity for further placements?
Costs and Financial Support
Was your stay abroad supported financially?
To what extent did the financial support cover your costs? (1 = completely, 6 = not at all)
How did you receive contact details of your placement?
Personal Experience
How would you rate your overall experience? (1 = excellent, 6 = terrible)
Would you recommend your stay abroad?
Suggestions and Advice
Would you be willing to talk about your experiences in an info day for interested students?
Declaration of Consent
Declaration of Consent
*** You will receive an e-mail after submitting this report. In this e-mail, you will be again asked to click on one of the three options above. This is for data protection reasons. For processing reasons, it is very important that you reply to this confirmation mail. ***

Some of these details are in German. Please contact if you require German language assistance.